Nisf Sha’ban, Supplication On The Night Of 15th SHA’BAN
Allahumma Yaa Dhal Manni walaa yumannu ‘Alayh YaaDhal Jalaali wa’l Ikraam Yaa Dhat-Tawli wa’l In’aam Laa Ilaaha illa anta Zahru’llaajeen wa jaaru’l mustajeereen wa amaanu’l khaaifeen Allahumma in kunta katabtanee ‘Indaka fee Ummil Kitabi Shaqiyyan aw mahruman aw matrudan aw muqattaran ‘alayya fi’rrizqi Fa’mhuAllahumma biFadlika Shaqaawatee wa hirmaanee wa tardee wa’qtitaara rizqee Wa-athbitnee ‘Indaka fee Ummil Kitabi Sa’eedan marzuqan muwaffaqan li’lkhayraati Fa Innaka Qulta wa Qawluka’l Haqq Fee Kitabika’l munzal ‘alaa lisaani Nabiyyika’l Mursal Yamhullahu maa Yashaa’u wa yuthbit Wa ‘Indahu Ummul Kitab Ilaahi Bittajalli’l A’zam Fee laylatin-nisfi min shahri Sha’ban al-Mukarram Allatee yufraqu feehaa kullu amrin hakeemin wa yubram An takshifa ‘annaa mina’l ballaai wa’l balwaai Maa na’lamu wa maa laa na’lam Wa anta bihi a’lam Innaka anta’l A’azzu’l…

Lailat-ul Qadr Supplications
Special Supplications delivered at the conclusion of Salat prayers on the 27th of the Month of Ramadan 1437 H. / June 2016 C.E. at Annoor Mosque, Zawiya Fellowship. [Arabic Text Only] “Indeed We revealed the Quran during the Night of Destiny, and what explanation can tell you enough about the Night of Destiny! The Night of Destiny is certainly better than a thousand months [of devotion]. Heavenly beings along with the [Holy] Spirit come down together during it by permission of their Lord, carrying His Command. A [Night of] Peace it is, [and such extraordinary spiritual event will last] until dawn”. (Sura Al-Qadr 97:1-5)

Malã’ika-Angels, the Honorable Companions
“Those who carry the Divine Throne, and those circumambulating it, celebrating the praises of their Lord and have faith in Him, they also implore for His Mercy to forgive the believers [their misdeeds]. [They pray]: “Our Lord! Your Mercy and Compassion reach everything. Forgive those who repented and followed Your Path, and safeguard them from suffering in hellfire.” (Quran 40:7) الَّذِينَ يَحْمِلُونَ الْعَرْشَ وَمَنْ حَوْلَهُ يُسَبِّحُونَ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّهِمْ وَيُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِ وَيَسْتَغْفِرُونَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا Suhba with Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday April 1st, 2016 C.E. at Masjidun-Noor, the 23rd of Jamadil-Thani 1437 Hijri.

Prayers Soliciting Divine Protection
I place myself in the guardianship of Allah which cannot be prejudiced against, in the station of nearness to Allah which cannot be transgressed, in the defense of Allah which cannot be overcome, under the canopy of Allah’s veil which cannot be violated, in Allah’s defense that cannot be overcome, in Allah’s Trust that never gets lost. Whoever is in Allah’s proximity is well guarded, and whoever seeks the protection of Allah is protected. Surely Allah’s Majesty is manifest and no space is free of Allah’s sovereignty. Any eye intending harm to me will meet with vexation and humiliation by Allah’s leave. Most Magnificent is Allah, and all praises are due to the Divine Sovereign Lord. Surely there is no…