Feats of the Virtues of Qutb Wali Shaykh Muhyiddeen Abdul Qãdir Gilani Preface Book in Arabic and English Here we begin by celebrating the Sovereign Divinity of the Lord of all creations, Allah the Most Supreme and Magnificent, the Merciful and Compassionate Lord of Divine Grace, and following the assertion of the Divine Grace of citing Allah’s Regards and Blessings of His Mala’ika-Angels upon the Seal of Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad (r) – upon whom be peace –, and continued everlasting blessings upon him and upon his family and companions. Indeed, Allah [U] has dedicated men to His worship, (للهِ رِجَالٌ), He chooses them from among the most pure and elite of His devout servants, He honors them with the…
