
Friday Sermon

When the Believers Are Tried

When the earth is shaken to its most violent convulsion. And the earth delivers its weighty bearings. And when man cries out [in distress]: “What happened to it?” On that Day, it will tell its stories. Whereas your Lord has given it the [command by] inspiration. On that Day people will come forth [individually and] in separate [groups] to see [the consequences of] their own doings. Whoever [today] does an atom’s weight of good, will then see it. Whoever [today] does an atom’s weight of evil, will then see it. (Quran 99:1-8) إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ الْأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا  Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, February 10th, 2023 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 19th of Rajab 1444 Hijri.

Reconcile With Allah

“And to the Divine Sovereign Lord bow in prostration all those who are in the heavens and on earth, willingly [for the believers], and unwillingly [for the hypocrites], and their shadows do the same after sunrise and before sunset. [All are in need of Him.] ”  (Qur’an 13:15) وَلِلَّهِ يَسْجُدُ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ طَوْعًا وَكَرْهًا وَظِلَالُهُم بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْآصَالِ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, January 20th, 2023 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 27th of Jamad Al-Akhira 1444 Hijri.

Feel The Peace, Be Aware of Allah

“Such are the ones who believe [in their Lord], and whose hearts become serene by invoking [the Exalted Attributes of] the Divine Sovereign Lord. In fact, it is by maintaining constant awareness of the Divine Sovereign Lord that the hearts become serene.”  (Qur’an 13:28) الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ  Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, December 30th, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 6th of Jamad Al-Akhira 1444 Hijri.

Allah Guides the Hearts

“whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart, and Allah has full knowledge of everything.”  (Qur’an 64:11) وَمَن يُؤْمِن بِاللَّهِ يَهْدِ قَلْبَهُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ  Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, December 23rd, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 29th of Jamad Al-Awwal 1444 Hijri.

Follow the Prophet Allah Will Love You

“Say: “If you truly love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Compassionate.”  (Qur’an 3:31) قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, November 25th, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 1st of Jamad Al-Awwal 1444 Hijri.

Guide Us On the Straight Path

“My Lord is certainly on a Straight Path [of maintaining justice for all].” (Qur’an 11:56)  إِنَّ رَبِّي عَلَى صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, November 18th, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 24th of Rabi’u Thani 1444 Hijri.

To Live By the Divine Decree

” When Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundation of the House, they prayed: “Our Lord, accept our deed. You are the All-Hearing and the All-Knowing.” – “Our Lord, make both of us submissive to You, and out of our descendants a nation that submits to You. Show us our [required] rituals, and turn to us; for You are surely the Oft-Returning [in pardon and forgiveness], and the Most Merciful.” (Qur’an 2:127-128) وَوَصَّىٰ بِهَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بَنِيهِ وَيَعْقُوبُ يَا بَنِيَّ إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَىٰ لَكُمُ الدِّينَ فَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, August 5th, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 7th of Muharram 1444 Hijri.

Hijra To Allah & His Rasul

“Migration will not end until repentance ends, and repentance will not end until the sun rises in the west. “ (Prophetic Hadith) لاَ تَنْقَطِعُ الْهِجْرَةُ حَتَّى تَنْقَطِعَ التَّوْبَةُ وَلاَ تَنْقَطِعُ التَّوْبَةُ حَتَّى تَطْلُعَ الشَّمْسُ مِنْ مَغْرِبِهَا ‏ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, July 29th, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 30th of Dhul Hijjah 1443 Hijri.

Hasten To Repent

“Or better is the one who stays obedient in his devotion [to his Lord] during the late hours of the night, bowing in prostration and standing up [piously], always on his guard, cautious about the inevitable upcoming event of the hereafter, and aspiring sincerely to receive the Mercy of his Lord. [Hence,] Say: “Are those who are endowed with knowledge equal to those who know nothing?” Certainly, only those who have true understanding will be mindful [of this recital].” (Qur’an 39:9) أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَانِتٌ آنَاءَ اللَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَائِمًا يَحْذَرُ الْآخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, July 22nd, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 23th of Dhul Hijjah 1443 Hijri.

Revere Your Lord

“Fear (the consequences of disobeying) Allah, for Allah is the One who teaches you, and Allah surely knows everything..” (Qur’an 2:289) وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۖ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللَّهُ ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ Friday Khutbah by Shaykh Al-Akili on Friday, July 15th, 2022 C.E. at Annoor Jami Mosque, the 16th of Dhul Hijjah 1443 Hijri.