Quran, Selected Commentaries Tafsir Surat-ul Baqara
The Quran As Explained By the Quran
Trans. by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akili
238 pages
4.25″ X 7″
ISBN 1-879405-09-1
Price: $12.95 US
© 1990-2023 Pearl Publishing House
Published in Canada by Zawiya Fellowship Books
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About the Book
The Qur’an as explained by the Qur’an is a new reading from the holy Qur’an in modern English with commentaries on Sura II, based on Tafsir Ibn Kathir, with cross-references and notes. “This truth comes from your Lord, have no doubt about it” (Qur’an 3:60)
Since the Torah, the Psalms, and the Injeel, the Qur’an remains the Last Scripture, Allah revealed to humanity, and it calls all nations to believe in their Lord and Creator, invites them to contemplate the signs of His work and to return to the basic teachings He imparted to His earlier messengers and prophets which can be summarized by “Say: Your Lord is One…” Today, in a world that is fascinated by occultism, and lured by satanism, the Quran, which was revealed over fourteen hundred years ago, remains the final and only divine revelation which has not been subject to tempering, and its words are holy and clear for all people. This book contains selected commentaries and cross-references from the Holy Qur’an with explanatory notes culled from sixty five of the one hundred and fourteen Qur’anic (suras) chapters. It also includes references from the Old Testament and the New Testament, and clarifies over one hundred and fifty subjects, some of which are in agreement with earlier scriptures, and others which are badly misunderstood by common people as well as by some clerics all over the world.
The book also includes a complete guide to the pilgrimage to Mecca, spiritual guidance, historical references, the story of the creation of Adam, advice on resolving human differences, and divine laws regarding marriage, divorce & inheritance. |