
The Endowment of Divine Grace & The Spread of Divine Mercy

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The Endowment of Divine Grace & The Spread of Divine Mercy

Al-Fathu Rabbãni wal-Faidhu Rahmãni

Author: Shaykh Muhyiddeen Abdul Qãdir Gilani

Trans. by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akili

248 pages

6 X 9

ISBN 1-879405-01-6

Subscription Fee: $1.95 per month for 12 months 

Online Reading Annual Membership Fee: $23.40 US

© 1990-2023 Pearl Publishing House – Zawiya Fellowship

Published in Canada by: Zawiya Fellowship Books

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About the Book

This is the original translation of the famous book Al-Fathu Rabbãni by the renowned Shaykh Abdul-Qãdir Gilani (1077-1166 C.E.) God bless his soul, and it is a unique gift of everlasting peace. If you have not yet experienced Islamic spirituality, then this book will offer you a soul moving speeches, delivered by the blessed Shaykh during the last year of his residence on this earth.

In an age of self-help books, this unique compilation of spoken talks addresses the question of life and existence in clear, practical terms that are both timely and timeless. The concise explanations reverberate like a singular, sweet note of a reed flute amidst the noise and confusion of today’s world. Anyone who opens this book at any page and reads even a little will recognize himself and his life. He who reads this book in its entirety will discover the path to complete his spiritual journey and will want to correct himself and amend his life for the better.

This book is clearly articulated from the Shaykh’s discourses and is highly recommended for any person seeking to expand and deepen his or her knowledge, insight, and faith.

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