The Beauty of the Righteous & Ranks of the Elite
Hilyatul Awliya wa Tabaqat Asfiya
Author: Imam Abu Na’îm al’Asfahani
Trans. by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akili
448 pages
6 X 9
ISBN 1-879405-11-3
Subscription Fee: $1.95 per month for 12 months
Online Reading Annual Membership Fee: $23.40 US
© 1990-2023 Pearl Publishing House – Zawiya Fellowship
Published in Canada by: Zawiya Fellowship Books
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About the Book
This book embodies an extensive collection of 1,049 authentic sayings (hadith) of the blessed companions of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, and some of their interactions with him, as well as among themselves in the first century of Islam.
The book depicts some of the rare traditions, words and deeds of these most pious human beings, and it reviews some of the most magnificent instances of their lives. These narrations will testify to their unparalleled devotion, and they will certainly refresh one’s memory with unique lessons on spirituality, true love for one’s maker, and for His blessed messenger Muhammad, upon whom be peace.
First time in English, this unique book is based on the famous work of the 10th century scholar al-Hãfiz Imam Abu Na’ïm al-As-fahãni (948-1038 C.E.), no longer in print in the original Arabic language, and is the most authentic reference on the traditions of the blessed companions of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, and its lessons will prove to be most rewarding. |