
Zikr, Celebrating the Divine Grace

Categories: Zikr

All of you, come to Zikrillãh, answer the call of your Lord.

Zikrullãh is the most valuable keyword that identifies direct access to the Holy Presence of one’s Lord. Zikrullãh is the engaging key that opens the gateways of one’s correct understanding of how one is being in the Divine Presence of Allah swt. Either in Jahr (verbal) or Munajat (silently, inner call), Zikrullãh is the most powerful interactive human expression that is inspired by Him swt Who teaches His creation how to respond to His Holy call. Either privately or in congregation, Zikrullãh is a rehearsal of submission to one’s Lord at the highest level ever. In fact, the actual instigator and initiator of the call is your Lord swt Himself, the actual caller is your Lord swt, the reminder is your Lord swt, the Helper is your Lord swt, the Responder is your Lord swt, the Bearer Who is All-Hearing All-Seeing is your Lord swt, only He swt can secure a reply, only He swt has the direct channels and access to satisfy the reaction of His servant. Believe in Him, and celebrate His Holy Names.

“As to those who carry the Divine Throne, and those circling around it, celebrating the praises of their Lord and have faith in Him, they also implore for His Mercy to forgive the believers [their misdeeds]”. [They pray]: “Our Lord! Your Mercy and Compassion reach everything. Forgive those who repented and followed Your Path, and safeguard them from suffering in hellfire.”

All of you, come to Zikrillãh, answer the call of your Lord. Come and shake some of the thick dust of past experiences of lurking habits. Come and clear your heart from misconceptions someone placed there just because such is their personal habits, or social costumes in one country or another.  All of you, come to Zikrillãh, answer the call of your Lord. Come and join the blessed and most exalted Malã’ika angels Carriers of the Divine Throne, come to thank them for seeking the Divine forgiveness for yourself and your family.

All of you, come to Zikrillãh, and join your Lord Allah swt and His blessed Malã’ika angels in saying Salawãt Durud upon His beloved Prophet SAL-uwbp. All of you, come to Zikrillãh, answer the call of your Lord.

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