
Let The Day Start

Categories: Article,Blog

As the words I am about to type flow freely from my brain to my fingers, I am in stark reminder that everything flows from HIM and HIS will.  While we all say that intuitively, I am seeing it before my eyes as I see the trees sway in HIS Dhikr. I see the icicles drip and the snow melt providing natural nourishment for the grass and soil in his Dhikr. Every drop is synchronous with HIS Dhikr. The sky is embraced with the flock of birds migrating back from their seasonal travels, again by HIM and according to HIS Will.   Their wings flap in a rhythmic Dhikr, a constant reminder that everything is according to HIM and HIS Will.             

However, I digress, as often happens! Perspective, is defined as the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.  Simply stated, perspective, is a way of asking how are you looking at something?  Is it the right way to actually look at it, for example, is it a 6 or is it an upside down 9, or is it both? Or is it even really important if it is even a 6 or a 9, maybe there is more to it.   Perspective is something I really needed examined recently.  Recently, as happens in encounters with the accursed Satan, I went into a deplorable state of serious disregard for the infinite blessings provided by our Lord, how easy it was for me to complain about small petty things.  My bruised ego took centre stage in a maddening fit of how dare it happen to me, why me, and what did I do to deserve what has happened.  Everything around me bombarded my heart with anguish.  The messages of negativity were coming at me faster than my brain could register. It was like receiving an influx of Whatsapp messages, but much faster. I barely responded to the first message and then the second one came, and then the third and the fourth and before I knew it, everything became about ME and I lost my path to HIM and seeking HIS Forgiveness, and asking for HIS Mercy, and most of all, trusting HIS perpetual guidance.  The rotten effect on my heart was akin to a once beautiful animal joyfully singing the praises of his LORD, changing to a carcass at the side of the road in the middle of summer swarmed with flies.  It is amazing to me, how quickly and easy it was for this to happen. 

In my self-deprecating state, I knew this wasn’t me.  I knew I was out of balance with the true state I am intended and designed for.  I was out of sorts and needed guidance. More importantly, I needed help to wash my spiritual state. I needed a change in perspective.  I needed WISDOM from HIM.  To get to HIM, I needed to go through HIS BELOVED (Sallahu Alahyhi Wa Salam).  To go through HIS BELOVED, I needed to seek guidance from HIS BELOVED’s Beloved. I needed a MAN of GOD.  I needed Shaykh.

Brothers and Sisters, across whom these hollow words reach, one question, asked by my spiritual guide, rocked my state and changed my perspective instantly.  Al Hamd Du Lillah. 

After patiently listening to me vent about affairs of a worldly matter, the question/statement was simply:

“I am surprised that in all the blessings that you have had, and continue to have, you haven’t stopped to thank OUR LORD for all the infinite blessings. Many of which you don’t know about.  Why did that happen?”

The first question led to a second question, my most respected teacher, spiritual guide and true Man of GOD asked me, “are you daring to look at your blessings by what has happened in a day?  How has your life been?”  Al Hamd Du Lillah.

The second question lead to a practical third solution, my respected Shaykh, asked forgiveness from our LORD and reminded me to ‘strive in HIS Dhikr, and be a true ABD!  Strive in HIS path, In SHA Allah, be dutiful and focus on HIM in your prayers, and your constant remembrance of HIM.’   He rightfully stated that my focus should be on HIM, and HIS blessings, HIS mercy, HIS gift of life that allows me to serve HIM. 

WOW! What an incredible change in perspective. From all about me to all about HE!  It was the change in attitude, and regard of something I needed.  The change was simple.  Change my glasses.  My old pair of glasses were simply out of focus and not serving me.  I needed to be proactive to go to the Spiritual Optometrist, my Shaykh, to help replace the lenses and allow me to focus so my journey appears clearer.  My perspective needed to be changed so that the danger and warning signs on my path could be better visualized.  I am grateful to my Shaykh, my optometrist for helping me with my perspective change.   Alhumdulillah, my Shaykh went deep into my heart with the precision of a laser.

As I close my reflection, I invite you to consider your perspective.  Look outside, look around you: what fills your mind?  Is it the humility of Dhikr, or humbly, may I ask is a perspective change needed?  If a perspective change is the right diagnosis, what is the right antidote?

Brothers and sisters, my raw blog is a very human, nay a very sinful human’s attempt to shed light on something which is easy for us all to fall prey to. I ask that you consider my blog as a humble strategy to invoke the blessings of HIS Rehma in your awareness.  It is easy to choose the path of least resistance and look with the perspective of pride, ego.  Very quickly, however,  the momentum of the Salawat, and Dhikr gets replaced with the work of the accursed Satan.  We have a choice to stop and change perspective, In sha Allah, Al humdulillah!  After all is it about me or is it about HE, is it about my love or about HIS LOVE?

I pray that my change in perspective is accepted, In Sha Allah, and I pray that for those looking or in need for a change in perspective are guided accordingly, as I am grateful to my LORD for his Divine Guidance, (Ameen). 

To recognize, the blessing to be able to write about HIM in HIS constant presence, and for us to reflect about HIM and HIS BELOVED Messenger and our commander (Sallalhu alayhi wa Salaam) is perhaps the best way to close the blog, for this week, In Sha ALLAH.  In every closing, there is a beginning, and I hope the recognition and significance of perspective today is the start of a new beginning. In Sha Allah! May Allah Subhana Wa Talla bless you for your time in reading this short heart felt blog, and the next time you see a bird flapping it’s wings, notice the smooth gyration of the wings and you will be amazed with how the wings, the sky and the bird are all in perfect harmony singing the praises of our creator, after all, it is all about HE!


Omar Pervez