
Eid Meeladu Nabawi Mubarak to All

Categories: Events

Bismillahi Rahmaani Raheem wa Salaatu wa Salaamu ala Rasulihil Kareem

Al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen
Indeed, the most Glorious Divine Grace bestowed upon humanity the Grace of testifying to the conclusion of the story. A major plan that was initiated since the beginningless beginning from the start. 
This minor planet and all of its crowding creation, their concerns and permanent future altogether may only measure a small dot within the 18,000 universes, and yet our Most Glorious Lord, the Most Merciful and Compassionate still takes care of much smaller things, all of which are His creation, down to the size of an atom and even smaller.
Al-Hamdu Lillah Who is the Source of all Goodness, all praises are due to Him that we were destined to be among His creation that witnessed this major event of the concluding scene, the “Finale”, the parade of the myriads of Mala’ika angels, the descending of the Holy Spirit, the archangel Sidi Jibril uwbp to this planet by Divine Command and finally the coming of Sidi Rasul Allah sal-uwbp, the Revelation of the Holy Quran, the true First Spring [Rabi’ul Awwal] and all its flowers, the blessed family, the blessed companions, the Mi’raj Miracle of the Nocturnal Journey, the vision of Jannah Paradise, the heavenly Mala’ika angels, Israfil, Mika’il, Malik, Ridhwan upon all of whom be peace, the Kawthar meeting with the Master of the Pond, the Tuba Tree which leaves clothe the dwellers of Janna Paradise, the Magnificent Litter that was brought before Sidi Rasulillah sal-uwbp to initiate his greater segment of his Mi’raj Ascension that brought about the everlasting-concluding impact of the Mi’raj-Miracle of the Nocturnal Journey, the final 500 years step that confirmed what was and that settled all issues of what will come… 
Indeed, this magnificent journey of Allah’s SwT creation on this planet and the seven firmaments above was planned from the start of this creation, the conclusion of which delineated, shaped and sketched to accommodate all the leading steps. 124,000 Prophets, 312 Messengers, thousands of sages of wisdom, millions upon millions of Mala’ika angels were also involved and remain eternally as such, the ever vibrating reality of a creation blessed to know its Lord. All of that is to say: “The universes and Allah’s creation all abide by the Rules of the Lord of all creation [Rabbil Aalameen], and all must love Him, and love to obey His commands“.
We hereby celebrate today the Divine Holy Act as we see it from the Title: “La Ilaaha Il Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah“. We see the birth of the Seal of Allah’s Prophets, our Master Sidi Rasulillah sal-uwbp as the Light that was made to manifest 2000 years before the creation of our father Adam upon whom be peace, the Light that was celebrating Allah’s Praises since ever, and the Mala’ika angels were rehearsing such celebration ‘”Tasbeeh” [Hadith].
Indeed, the 12th of the blessed month of Rabi’ul Awwal, the First Spring, is the mark of the conclusion of the story, the number 12 is the mark of the highest most perfect state, and such is the concluding part of the performance everyone will submit to its facts indeed.
Here, we together with all of Allah’s witnesses celebrate the joining with our Lord, Allah SwT and the Mala’ika angels, and all the Prophets and Messengers upon all of whom be peace in celebrating the ever shining and gleaming lights of Kawthar and its eternally scintillating rays, and send Salawãt blessings upon Sidi Rasul Allah sal-uwbp. 
Eid Meeladu Nabawi Mubarak to all. Enjoy it.


alfaqir ila Rahmati Rabbihi
Muhammad Al-Akili