
Allah’s Greatness & Kindness to his Creation

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Allah’s Greatness & Kindness to his Creation

By Nimat Seyed

 Divine-Greatness-150x100 Have we ever thought or realized how small we are in Allah’s universe? He is indeed the Almighty Lord جلَّ جَلالُهُ who has full control of every single thing to come into existence. As human beings, we are only a dot in his Kingdom. We can be noor upon noor upon noor, but we are still a dot in Allah’s Kingdom.  We must humble ourselves in the presence of our Lord, who is monitoring us all the time, every moment and second of our life.

Every moment or event that has happened in our life, this was all predetermined by Allah سُبحانه وتُعالى before we were created. So who are we to be walking around with pride and joy like many people today? Instead, we should be giving shukur شُكُر (thanks) and praising our Lord for whatever makes us happy. Indeed, the greatest happiness is to know that He is pleased with us.

To the servant that fears his Lord, Allah عزَّ وَجَلَّ grants him more and more grace in the individual’s life. The difference between believers and those who deny the truth is the covenant of praying our daily Salaat prayers. This gives us the opportunity to stand in front of our Lord and praise him, as we were created to do. Look how kind Allah سُبحانه وتُعالى  is to his servants by giving the opportunity to perform Salaat and then ask for whatever we want, which could be forgiveness, happiness, good health, etc. Allah سُبحانه وتُعالى  loves those who ask (make du’aa دُعاء) after performing their Salaat prayers because He is Ar-Razzaq الرزاق (The Provider) and He loves to provide to his servants.

 As Muslims, we aim to do good deeds and serve the creation in our daily lives. We must first make the intention of fulfilling the good deed ONLY for the pleasure of Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ. Actions are based on how much belief we have in our heart. If our belief is strong, then our actions will also be strong. What better pleasure is there other than our own Creator to be happy for what we accomplish (with His help)? Subhan Allah!

Indeed, Allah سبحانه وتعالى bestows more favors upon the believer who has patience. Like most things in life, it takes patience and hard work to attain something you really aspire. For example, a student goes through almost 15 years of school just to attain a diploma or degree in a specific work field. Similarly, it takes just as much time in religion to know our Lord and truly be thankful for everything he has done for us in our life.

To conclude, we must reflect upon our lives today and see what changes need to be done in order for us to get closer to our Lord as our lives progress. We may not know if we live to see tomorrow, so we have to take advantage of today. Allah سُبحَانهُ وَتَعالى is monitoring us all the time, so we must revere and adore Him. fear but at the same time adore Him.

Nimat Seyed