
Secrets of the Opening Chanpter Tafsir Surat-ul Fatiha

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Secrets of the Opening Chapter
Tafsir Surat-ul Fatiha

Mukhtasar Sharh Ma’ãni as-Sab’i-l Mathãni fil-Qurani Kareem

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akili

288 pages

6 X 9

ISBN 1-879405-04-2

Subscription Fee: $1.95 per month for 12 months 

Online Reading Annual Membership Fee: $23.40 US

© 1990-2023 Pearl Publishing House – Zawiya Fellowship

Published in Canada by: Zawiya Fellowship Books


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About the Book

Know that the Quran is the last of the Divine revealed scriptures to humanity, “A revelation from the most Merciful and Compassionate Lord” , “No falsehood can confute it since before or after it” , “A revelation from the Lord of all creations” , “A wonderful Quran that guides to reason” , and from it, the Divine laws, jurisdictions and rational knowledge are drawn. Should the Quran be found written in a book, laying flat in a desert, not knowing who wrote it, rational minds will surely testify that it is revealed by Almighty Allah U the most exalted, “Confirming the truth of what was revealed before it, and clarifying the covenant, there is no doubt in it, a revelation from the Lord of the universe.” “It was revealed by the knowledge of the Divine Absolute One.” “Surely, there is no Absolute Supreme Lord except Him,” for Divinity is exclusive, and can only be attributed to the Divine Lord Himself. “The angels bear witness to that,” “and yet, sufficient is Allah for a witness” . The Holy Quran “Carries glad tidings and warnings,” “To warn people whose fathers were earlier warned about, for these ones are surely in oblivion.” “A Quran in Arabic” and only the Holy Divine Speech, the verses that were revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad r upon whom be peace in Arabic are called Quran. Otherwise, commentaries, interpretations, common related prayers and invocations in Arabic, and translations of the meaning of the Holy Quranic revelation into other languages are not called Quran.

The Prophetic saying: “The entire Qur’an is in Suratul-Fatiha” is certainly a most concise description of what to understand in this Holy revealed prayer. Read it.

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